A number of issues need to be addressed by all plot-holders.
We would be grateful if you could read through these points and ensure they are all followed.
1. Hedges and Perimeters
As you are aware we have community projects on site keeping the paths etc clean and clearing the various vacant plots.However, it is not their responsibility to do this task, but due to neglect over the years assistance was required to bring the site up to scratch, hence community projects. It should be noted that it is the responsibility of ALL plot holders to keep the external areas of their plot neat and tidy. It is also the responsibility of ALL plot holders to maintain their boundaries. This includes the proper maintenance of hedges were applicable. If properly maintained during the year you will not disturb nesting birds.
2. Rent
As you are aware a letter was sent on 15 May informing you that due to the current errors and system failure by the City Council your rent should to the society. In this letter you were given until 9th June to make this remittance. You were also give the opportunity to pay via bank transfer. Please note if you have failed to pay your rent by tomorrow Sunday, your tenancy will be at risk.
3. Skip Hire
At a meeting of the committee it was agreed that we would hire a skip per quarter (4 skips per year). The next hire will be on the weekend of the 24th August. Please note that the last two skips were abused in so far as plot holders ignored the proper use of the skip i.e. placing more than is acceptable in the skip. PLEASE NOTE IF THIS IS REPEATED NO FURTHER SKIPS WILL BE HIRED.
4. Hosepipes
Please note that the use of hosepipes to water your plot if forbidden by council by laws. You should only use your hosepipe to fill your water containers. Plot holders found to be abusing this by law will be warned and their tenancy could be at risk for further breeches.
Many thanks
Eric Hudson