Our Committee

Committee Meetings

Committee meetings take place bimonthly on the first Wednesday of each month, at 7.30pm in the hut. All members are welcome to attend, please contact the Chair in advance on 07941 869080 or info@levenshulmeallotments.co.uk.

The minutes of committee meetings can be found on the notice board outside the hut near the main gate.

Join the Committee

New nominees are always welcome. You can become a committee member once you have held a plot for 12 months following the Annual General Meeting. For more details of how to put yourself forward please contact an existing member of the committee.


Eric Hudson 


Harry Harrigan

Committee Members

Carol Doherty 
Joanne Evans 
Louis Barnes 
Melanie Smith 
Shiuli Begam 
Claire James
Liz Willow

Contact Us